
Job offers

Currently we have for you no job.

Currently we offer the following jobs:

  • Welder, welder technician of various materials
  • Steel structures fitter
  • Carpenter
  • Mason, concrete worker
  • Mason of stone
  • Plumber of water pipes
  • Heating and plumbing fitter
  • Electrical wire fitter
  • Operation of CNC machine tools
  • Auxiliary worker


If you are interested in the above mentioned jobs and meet our requirements, please send us a completed offer letter of job applicant. Your offer will be evaluated and in case of positive assessment you will be invited for an interview.

Job applicant form :

  • Enter the job / position you are interested in

  • Give your full name (name and surname)

  • format DD.MM.YYYY

  • Give your contact address

  • Give your cell phone number or landline number ( format 421 9xx yyy zzz, 421 51 xx yyyy )

  • Your email

  • Enter the gross value ( currency EUR )

  • Your highest educational attainment:

  • Enter the language you speak, level (advanced level, intermediate level, basic level)

  • Specify the software you are able to use (Word, Excel, Outlook, and others)

  • Specify the groups and the date since when they are valid (A - 2005, B - 1997, C-....)

  • Training courses

  • Specify the company name, how long you worked there, the position you worked

  • Specify the company name, how long you worked there, the position you worked

  • format DD.MM.YYYY

  • Indicate if you would have a problem with doing occasional work overtime (yes, no)


  • For more information about you and your operation

WELD MONT, s.r.o declares that all personal information you provide will be collected and processed only for the purposes of searching for the suitable job for the applicants within our company. If, within 12 months we will not find an appropriate job position for you, your personal information files will be shredded and deleted. The providing of data is voluntary. You may withdraw your consent for its processing and retention at any time.

I declare that in accordance with the Act N. 428/2002 on protection of personal data, I agree with the processing of all my personal data in this questionnaire, which I provide voluntarily to the Company WELD MONT, Ltd. for reasons of obtaining employment in this Company. I grant the consent for the period of 12 months of the date of dispatch of this form.

WELD MONT, s.r.o.

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Why we?

  • - Because we advise you what's best for you,
  • - We offer comprehensive services in construction,
  • - We carry out turn-key construction,
  • - We offer quality and professionalism,
  • - We offer you a job.